Note: Please contact us to get the current price list and place an order.

I/U converters

1. pnp miniature

2. P608 output stage, resistive load

3. P608 output stage inductive load

4. germanium stage +6N6P

5. germanium stage +5687

6. germanium stage +6SN7

7. germanium stage + 6080 (This set of PCBs we offer only as finished device)

8. pnp 5687 cooming soon

9. pnp 6080 +5U4G coming soon (This set of PCBs we offer only as finished device)

Line stages

1. 6N6P+EZ90


3. D3a + 5U4G

SPDIF output stages

1. 6S6B

2. EF13

Voltage stabilizers

1. Shunt regulator P605

2. Shunt regulator P605, double (+5v,-5v)

3. Shunt regulator P605, double, tube rectifier (6080)

4. 2N3055 double regulator 2,5….18v

5. KT908 single regulator+ rectifier. 2,5…18v  5A (need additional heatsink)

Tube clocks

1. ECC88

2. EF12( EF11.EF13)

3. 6C28B ajustible miniature

4. 6S28B miniature

5. E180f ( 2pc green pcbs)

USB converters

  1. Single 6S28 tube

2. 4 tubes ( EF86, ECC88, EAA91, EAA91)


Please pay attention! Old types of DAC pcbs are not aviable:

DAC0.1, DAC1.0, DAC2.0, DAC3.0, DAC4.0, DAC2.1

Active list:

1. DAC 1.1 pcm56

2. DAC  2.2  tda1541 E180F, EAA91

3. DAC  2.3  tda1541, E180F,EAA91, tube rectifier EZ90 (This set of PCBs we offer only as finished device)

4.  DAC 3.1  tda1541, EF12, EZ11 (This set of PCBs we offer only as finished device)

5.  DAC U  pcm63

6.  DAC 4.1 pcm58, tube rectifier EZ90

7. DAC 0.11 ZERO  TDA1543

8. DAC Z     TDA1543

9. DAC X  TDA1540 (coming soon), E180F, EAA91, EZ90 (This set of PCBs we offer only as finished device)

10. DAC 3.2 ( coming soon)


1. Comparator ( sine wave to square wave)

2. Reclock + comparator

3. Adapters PCM58=PCM1702-PCM1704

4. Adapters PCM63=PCM1702-PCM1704

5. Adapters CS8412-8414

6. Adapter CS8412-DIR9001 ( not aviable)

7. Adapter YM3623-CS8414 (not aviable)

Power amplifiers

1. EL84

2. 45 triode ( coming soon)

3. Hybrid amplifier (coming soon)

Headphone amplifiers

  1. Hybrid amplifier 6N6P+6X5
  2. Tube amplifier EC88+6080

RIAA Preamps

  1. EF86+6N6P+6X5
  2. EF86+EL84+EZ80 (This set of PCBs we offer only as finished device)
  3. EC86+EL84+ EL84 +AZ12
  4. 6J7+6BL7+5Y3 ( comming soon)
  5. mini tube riaa pream ( 5pc aviable)


  1. E182CC ( coming soon)



3 Responses

  1. Доброго здоровʼя. Скажіть, яка буде ціна ЦАП на pcm63, без корпусу?

    • Добрий день! Будь-ласка, перейдіть до та напишіть нам, отримаєте відповідь електронною поштою. Дякую!

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